The podcast where TWO passions become ONE!

Sara Ennis

Sara Ennis Profile Photo

Sara Ennis has been telling stories since before she could hold a pencil. First, she used flashcards, then a typewriter her grandfather gave her for her sixth birthday. When she was seven, she’d write book reports about books that only existed in her mind. In third grade, her class produced a play she’d written. People who know her well think some of the details from her real life would make a fascinating story, but Sara says the stuff she writes is much more believable and a lot less traumatic. She is a fan of good tequila, travel, cooking, and animals, not in that order. Sara was born in Santa Monica, California, but moved on purpose and with intent to Des Moines, Iowa. She lives with her floofy personal assistant Charlie, who edits her newsletter, and camera-shy but very bossy feline, Sasha.