Co-Founders of Do It for James Foundation
On November 19, 2022 Tamia and Timothy Woods lost their only child. James Timothy Woods was an innocent 17-year-old high school student that fell victim to cybercrime and lost his life in the process. In a short period of time since James’ passing, Tamia and Timothy Woods started a foundation in his name with the focus of informing and teaching parents and children about this relatively new evil that is attacking our youth today. Year to date they have already engaged in over 80 activities to help spread awareness on sextortion including, 3 documentaries, 6 podcasts multiple news interviews, had speaking engagements in different avenues including schools and other special events, created a Sextortion Tip Card to help children navigate through tough times if they ever get put into the same or similar predicament as James, sponsored track and cross-country students in Ohio and Tennessee, and had their first annual walk/run day of fun with the ability to give away over $10,500 in scholarships. Their goal is to have a place that can provide betterment for our youth, and it starts with awareness, education and the Do It for James Foundation.